Published 21 Nov 2023

Why we use wool for draught-proofing

OK, I’m going to be totally honest here. We’re running a like-and-share competition so can increase the number of likes we have for our Facebook page and increase the reach of the Chimney Sheep message! My hope is that if you are interested enough in our wool draught-proofing products to like our page and share the post with your friends, you might also be interested in some of the other products we sell. So when we post about them, they will pop up on your feed and not someone who is a…. well, erm, not interested in the things we make and do.

So first of all, thank you for being one of our customers, we really appreciate the return visits and repeat purchases. It keeps us all in jobs and it helps us to buy land and plant trees. Finally, while we are striving for consumption reduction on the planet, we do need stuff so we do all we can to make sure the stuff you get from us helps make the world a bit better, not worse.

Right, what’s in the bumper box mega draught-busting giveaway?


Coffee Sack Door Draught Excluder

Door draught exlcluder

This is our most popular door draught excluder. The outer is made from a coffee sack from local coffee roasters Carvetii Coffee based down the road at Threlkeld. We get mixed batches of sacks so each door draught excluder is unique. But we’re keeping the one in the photo – that’s the prize-winning door draught excluder! It’s stuffed full of sheep wool. We use Swaledale wool for this, as we need the precious Herdwick wool for our chimney blockers. Nothing is as wirey as Herdwick. Even thought the “Swaleys” are out on the fells all the time and are hardy sheep, their wool is a lot softer than the Herdwick. So it makes perfect stuffing for the door draught excluder.




Box of 'Useful Bit of Insulation'

A box of wool insulation

This is so versatile! Made of moth-proofed wool, it is naturally lofty. 500g doesn’t sound like much but we really have to squash it into the box to get it all in. It’s perfect for stuffing into random gaps in the house, like holes drilled for pipes, gaps in cupboards…I’ve got loads in my meter cupboard as that is full of draughty holes.




Sheep Wool Pipe-Lagging

Wool Pipe lagging

Pipe lagging is such an easy way of saving on your heating bills. It’s got one of the quickest payback times, after the Chimney Sheep®. Most pipe lagging is made of expanded plastic foam. Back in the olden days, pipes used to be insulated with hessian wrapped around them. We’ve combined retro with modern felting + moth-proofing to bring you our wool felt pipe lagging! Simply unroll it and wrap it around your pipes. You can use tape to secure it, and if you want to be completely plastic-free then use paper tape.



Wool Gap Filler

Wool Pipe Lagging

This is similar to the useful bit of insulation but it’s in a continuous roll. It’s like a natural alternative to expanding foam. You can stuff it into gaps between the window frame and the wall, or really anywhere there’s a gap.




Sheep Wool Draught Seal Tape

Sheep wool draught seal tape

We searched high and low for a wool equivalent of plastic foam draught seal tape, and we’re delighted to bring you this one that we’ve had made specially for us. It’s made of a high-quality dense engineered wool felt. The other felts are needle felted which gives them the loftiness required for the jobs they do. This needs to be denser to fit snugly between the door or window and the frame. Simply unroll it and stick into place. You can tack it into place as well just to make sure it’s secure.

Wool has got an image of being a bit, well, woolly. Fluffy. Funny sheep puns and all that. We love our sheep puns. (Don’t ewe?). But more research is coming out that shows just how functional it is in many ways. It’s more accurate to refer to it as a technical fibre really. Its unique air-trapping properties make it well-suited for being a sustainable insulation material. In addition, it is hygroscopic, meaning it can hold surprising amounts of water without feeling wet. This moisture is then wicked away in dryer conditions. It also absorbs VOCs, high volatile compounds found in everything from furniture to nail varnish. These bind with the scales in the wool fibre and are permanently locked away. So the wool products aren’t just sustainable alternatives to mainstream petrochemical-based products. They provide effective functionality in their own right.

So there you have it. Not just a gimmicky giveaway but a way of telling you more about our products and hopefully creating a link to you so we can tell you more about the other things we make, sell and do. Remember, to enter the competition you have to like the page, and share the link with your friends. Thank you!

Sally Phillips

Inventor of Chimney Sheep

door draught proofing
draught excluder
draught proofing
energy efficiency
home improvements
money saving tips
window draught proofing
PlanetCare Microfibre Filter Starter Kit

PlanetCare Microfibre Filter Starter Kit

44.00 GBP
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