As lovers of the outdoors and the environment, we have put together a range of products that will encourage both adults and children of all ages to Get Outside! Whether you like camping, walking, exploring, adventuring or just going out for a picnic, we’ve got something for you. The sustainable outdoor range contains camping equipment, outdoor tableware, picnicware, outdoor toys for kids and sun cream. All of the items will help you get back to nature, appreciate the environment whilst helping to protect it.
All of the products in our outdoor range are practical, fun but have the added bonus of being kind to the environment. For the eco-conscious campers and walkers, we’ve got our own range of recycled plastic camping tableware and cutlery, as well as a great range of high quality Gruezi wool sleeping bags, our very own Herdwick wool-filled camping cushions that have been made in our Cumbrian factory, compact camping towels made from recycled fibres and Green People reef-friendly sunscreen. If picnics in the summer sunshine are more your bag, our outdoorsy product range includes a great ‘pack and go’ style picnic sets made from sugarcane bioplastic, along with Eco Chic eco-friendly picnic rugs and cool bags made from recycled plastic. Adventuring may not be your thing but sitting in the garden and getting some fresh air might be! In which case, our blue and white enamel plates and dinnerware are great to use as garden tableware and even as crockery in campervans!
The Go Outside collection also features a wide variety of items for children to encourage them to enjoy nature, be curious about exploring the natural world around them whilst learning about sustainability in an interactive way! Den kits from The Den Kit Company cover everything from entomology to wider ecology. For ultra enthusiastic little explorers, the range also includes plastic-free BigJig buckets, spades and frisbees.