Our sustainable growing and planting supplies means that you can grow from seed easily without the need for pesticides and single-use materials. Our natural gardening products include items such as mulch mats, peat-free compost, sustainable rubber planters and seed trays, ollas, sheep wool mulch and more. The range is perfect for growing strong and healthy flowers, crops and trees, without using chemicals or peat. We love to use natural solutions and materials on our gardens, such as wool and jute.
We’ve curated the range to ensure we’ve got natural solutions to weed prevention, slug control and dry weather gardening, by utilising the features of natural materials, like sheep wool. Both the jute that we use in our jute mulch mats and the wool in our horticultural fabrics, wool pellets and wool shillies, are excellent mulch mediums and have protective qualities too. They will compost down into the soil, adding valuable nutrients for your plants and flowers.
This range will also ensure you can growing your own from seed successfully without pesticides, herbicides or chemicals. We’ve got a fantastic selection of seed planting and growing products, to ensure your plants get the best chance of survival and success. From seed trays to root trainers, peat-free seed compost to sustainable soil enrichers, you’ll have luscious flowers and healthy home grown veg in no time!
If you are a no dig garden enthusiast, our range of sustainable growing and planting products are perfect for creating growing beds in allotments or kitchen gardens. Our jute horticultural mulch roll and our sheep wool horticultural fabric both are brilliant at suppressing weeds to create new vegetable garden beds. Our organic peat-free compost with wool and bracken is nutrient rich and is perfect for laying on top of our horticultural garden fabrics. Using the no dig method is an eco-friendly and effective method of gardening. The soil drains well, holds warmth and moisture, and retains organic matter and carbon which encourages plentiful harvests! The no-dig garden expert, Charles Dowding loves to use our mulch products which can be seen here.