How to use Sheep Wool nest material
Put the wool in a metal mesh bird feeder so birds don't get tangled in net mesh. You can put it in one of those spiral ones, well any suitable dispenser really, but if it’s too easy to get at you may find it disappears a bit too rapidly when the jackdaws find out about it. Never mind, they need nice soft nests too and you can always get some more! Ask us if you want to buy larger quantities of it. We gathered up a lot of Herdwick wool in the autumn so there’s plenty to go round. Read more about Operation Wool here.
Don’t put wool directly into nest boxes to try and encourage birds in. If birds want to nest in the box then they’ll build the nest the way they want it. I’ve heard of birds getting tangled in wool when it’s put in the box so let them sort it out for themselves. The Herdwick wool is a bit shorter than posh wool so it’s less likely to tangle birds up. And it’s a perfectly natural material, birds select it from fields and fences in the wild, so this way you’re making it more available to them and having the pleasure of watching them use it.