Published 20 Sep 2022

We've turned 10!

We are 10!


It is our 10th Birthday! Can you believe it?! No, we can’t either but it has indeed been 10 years of Chimney Sheep. From 2012 to today it has been quite the ‘sheepy’ journey!

We started out selling our Chimney Sheep chimney draught excluder made of Herdwick wool from a small workshop in Cockermouth, Cumbria. Today, our ‘Sheep’ are sold all over the world and are still our best-selling product. We’ve also just moved into our brand new (rather large!) premises in Workington which has been VERY exciting!

We wanted to look back and reflect on what we’ve achieved over the last 10 years, so we thought we’d share some of our highlights! In the last 10 years:

Chimney Sheep 10th birthday infographic

Phew….that’s quite a lot, isn’t it!

We couldn’t have done it without our wonderful customers so THANK YOU for being part of journey!

What next?

Naturally, reflecting on what we’ve achieved in 10 years has made us think about what more we’d like to achieve in the future!

In the next 10 years, we want to continue to draught-proof as many chimneys as we possibly can! There are about 11 million chimneys out there in the UK. If every single one of these had a Chimney Sheep fitted, we could save 2,337,511 tonnes of CO2, the equivalent CO2 captured by planting 5,493,020.277 acres of trees. It would also save a total of about £327,704,960 in energy bills – annually!

We also want to sell more planet-friendly products and of course, we are going to plant A LOT MORE TREES! Starting with 100,000 this next planting season on Low Fell in the Lake District.

Sally Phillips

Inventor of Chimney Sheep

buy land plant trees
chimney sheep
draught proofing
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