This is brilliant. It’s a composter made of recycled plastic. It’s ridiculously heavy. It weighs around 56 kilos. You will have seen these made of wood, right? They slot together and within minutes you’ve got a slatted composter. And within a couple of years it’s started biodegrading itself, and becoming one with the compost. I should know, I had one, and it was great for a while.
So what’s so great about this recycled plastic wood composter? Well. I’m glad you asked. It’s made of mixed household waste plastic. The trouble with recycling plastic is that there are so many different types. Some recycled plastic products, like our Ecoforce clothes pegs, are made by extracting particular types of plastic from co-mingled waste. This is quite labour intensive and means only certain types of plastics can be used. This recycled plastic wood composter uses a whole range of different plastics mixed together to create an entirely new type of plastic called plastic lumber. The reason it’s so heavy is that it’s quite dense. And that’s what is so exciting about it, for us here at Chimney Sheep anyway: 56 kilos of household waste plastic in a beautifully made recycled plastic wood composter is 56 kilos of plastic waste not in landfill or bobbing about in the ocean! That’s like around 2800 empty 500ml bottles all incapsulated into one useful product. Or 5600 empty yoghurt pots. Or as it’s comingled waste, any combination of thousands of yoghurt pots, plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic food trays, and all manner of other rubbish all usefully recycled. Now can you see why we’re so happy?
A composter is the perfect application for plastic lumber. It is extremely durable: it doesn’t rot or biodegrade. It doesn’t splinter or crack. It’s weather resistant and maintenance free.