Our extensive natural gardening range is full of sustainable gardening products and tools that will help you to create and maintain a successful garden. Our range includes everything from mulch, peat-free compost, seed planting supplies, hanging baskets, tree planting supplies, plant protection and even gardening gifts! Combining our love of gardening and our passion for sustainability and tree planting, we’ve been able to create a range of products for the garden that use natural materials like jute and wool. Our products will work effectively whilst allowing you to garden consciously and in harmony with the environment, protecting wildlife and biodiversity.
Whether you’ve got a compact balcony garden, an allotment or a large garden with lots of flower beds, you’ll find the right gardening tools to complete any garden task throughout the year. We’ve even got sustainable products for organic gardeners, no dig gardening and vegetable gardens!
We’ve curated the range to ensure we’ve got natural solutions to weed prevention, slug control and dry weather gardening, by utilising the features of natural materials, like sheep wool. Both the jute that we use in our jute mulch mats and the wool in our horticultural fabrics, wool pellets and wool shillies, not only work well in a variety of ways but will also compost down into the soil, adding valuable nutrients for your plants and flowers.
Growing our own from seed couldn’t be easier. We’ve got a fantastic selection of seed planting and growing products, to ensure your plants get the best chance of survival and success. From seed trays to root trainers, peat-free seed compost to sustainable soil enrichers, you’ll have luscious flowers and healthy home grown veg in no time!
With our very own peat-bog restoration project through Buy Land Plant Trees, ensuring we had a range of peat-free composts was important to us. Peat is incredibly important to the environment for many reasons, mainly due to it’s carbon capture qualities. Protecting and maintaining it is vital, which is why we’ve got a range of peat-free composts available for seedlings and mature plants, including peat-free wool composts and coir cocopeat blocks.
Using your garden to protect and encourage wildlife is a fantastic way of increasing biodiversity. Our sustainable gardening range includes wildflower planting kits and wildflower seeds bombs to help produce bee-friendly gardens. We’ve also got a whole lot of homes for wildlife to encourage birds, bugs, hedgehogs, frogs and bats into your garden. Our wildlife houses and feed will protect wildlife that is under threat is because of a loss of habitat.
Whatever your garden project our eco-friendly garden collection will ensure you make a success of it!